Sunday, December 31, 2017
最早的压力测试是在2016年10月,当时加拿大金融机构监管局(TheOffice of the Superintendent of Financial Institution﹐OSFI)发布规定,要求首付不足20%需购买房屋保险的购房者通过压力测试。根据加拿大的金融法规,首付不到房价20%的按揭贷款必须购买保险。购房者在申请房贷时必须按照加拿大央行规定的五年期固定利率来接受测试,而不是银行给予的优惠利率。买家通不过测试的话,其贷款申请就会被银行拒绝。
购房者先要清楚银行的挂牌利率(posted rate)和折扣利率(discounted rates)之间的差异。当您看到的利率显示2.99%、3.14%等,这些是折扣利率。挂牌利率是加拿大银行在向公众提供利率折扣之前设定的利率,目前的挂牌利率是4.99%。
加拿大央行此前表示,新房屋按揭贷款压力测试将会使10%准购房者失去购房资格,更会影响150亿美元的新贷款。根据道明债券评级公司(Dominion BondRating Service,DBRS)的数据,加拿大目前有46%的按揭贷款业主属于首付20%以上,不需要购买房贷保险。
Friday, December 22, 2017
Monday, December 4, 2017
SOLD 西北区 Tuscany 独栋两层小楼,1663平方尺, $435,000.00
2017年11月30日,1xx Tuscany Way NW, C4142836, 成功帮助买家购买到卡尔加里的第一个新居。
遇到买家的大家庭,还是我在西北轻轨边上的社区 Dalhousie做open house的时候,因为在现场的沟通,买家意识到我还不像是个“坏”经纪、并且拥有专业经验,所以后来就联系设置房源、带看房屋等等。
这个买家家庭最初面临的最大挑战是究竟在哪个社区购买?西北区的西边靠近轻轨沿线?还是西北区的东边靠近大统华附近?最后我们锁定在靠近轻轨沿线,因为买家自家的细节。其实,不能告诉所有的华人买家,你们到Edgemont、Hamptons 买房子吧,因为其实家家户户真正的需求还是有很多差距的,要具体分析。
2017年12月1日 – 11月份的房地产市场由于成交量剧增,市场突飞猛进了一把,特别是低价位段的房屋。
11月份共成交1,411 单元,比去年同期增长15 %,尤其是低于50万的房屋。
“一方面因为消费者信息增加、再加上明年的贷款政策变严,导致了11月份成交量的剧增,” CREB® 房地产局首席经济学家Ann - Marie Lurie说到。她还同时强调,上一次成交量贴近长线均值是在2016年10月份,那一次是第一次国家宣布买家评估贷款的利率大幅增加“。“在接下来的月份里,我们要持续观察需求的变化了,因为经济条件的改善因该能弥补2018年一月份贷款政策的缩紧,” Lurie讲到。
“我们看到很多消费者增加了对房地产市场的信心,同时很多人对于新贷款政策的缩紧有所担心,但是大家仍然好奇究竟这次贷款缩紧会给消费者带来什么样的影响,” CREB® 房地产局主席David P. Brown补充到。 “很多买家出手是因为想利用市场上不同价格房源的大量供给,好多多赛选自己的理想家居。”
整个城市总体来讲,市场基准价收在$436,700, 比十月份低了0.50 %,比去年同期微高0.46%。但是中间价、平均价都比去年明显降低。这也没有什么惊讶的,因为今年的11月份成交的很多房屋价位比去年低,所以拉动中间价、平均价走低。
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Open House 西南热区 Altadore, 全新 duplex,1726平方尺,89.9万
OPEN HOUSE : 本周五下午 1-4点
建成年代: 2017年
卧室 : 3
卫生间: 2.5
MLS #: c4143763
地址: 4202 19 Street SW
Duplex,位于西南区Altadore/Madar Loop社区, 炽热渴求社区,拥有off leash狗公园、高中就读Central Memorial High School。
SOLD 西北Parkdale社区infill新建 Duplex, $834,900
2017年9月29日 516 3? ST NW, C4119131。在前后出了两次offer之后,最后成功帮助买家购买了一套infill排屋。
买家很卖力选看房源,一有合适的我们就出去看,原本我们只看Parkdale、Hillhurst的房子,后来我们也看过Capital Hill的几套房子。我们给Hillhurst的一套带walkout的房子出了offer,也pending了。但是很遗憾,买家就是对那套房子没有感觉,尽管作为经纪人,那套房子因为地段、房型的原因性价比是我最希望他们家购买的。但是,买家就是不心动。
最后,买家家庭成员中2:3的比率,决定出给这套房子offer了。我因为从事房地产销售10多年了,擅长谈判、洞察心态,所以从86万砍到81万,一套街上的排屋短期都卖到90万以上。谁叫是买家市场呢,要砍到骨子里头,开发商建完的房子不卖怎么办?天天持有,卖家能撑多久??总之,价格砍得挺好的,买家还满意。结果房检后,我们有些地方需要开发商修复了。依据new home warranty,买家100%肯定可以跟进卖家/开发商,但是买家希望交房前就要修好,同时我加进holdback。可是,卖家不同意任何holdback。双方坚持不下,房子第一次没有买成,我们给卖家发送了non-waiver。
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
10 things Chinese buyers want to know
Not all Chinese buyers are the same, as they hail from a wide range of locations in China with different preferences and demands when it comes to buying property.
Nevertheless, they all have similar concerns when investing overseas – we break down the top ten criteria they tend to look at before purchasing in our 居外 Infographic below.
对于有意接收老社区开发建设信息报告的朋友,请发邮件到, 谢谢!
对于有意接收老社区开发建设信息报告的朋友,请发邮件到, 谢谢!
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
十月份房地产市场统计 --- 是买30-50万独立屋的时候了!
成交量总计为1,467单元,库存可售房源增加到总计6,463 单元,平均在市场上的月份数是4.4个月份。过去几个月以来库存供给和需求相比较,供给房源持续增加,导致价格上涨备受阻力。10月末市场基准价几乎没怎么变动,$438,900, 比;9月份微调低 0.6%,和去年没什么区别。
"尽管2017年经济有所改善,但是反映到房地产市场上还是需要时间的。虽然就业机会增加,但是绝大部分都是传统的低收入工种," CREB® 房地产局首席经济学家Ann-Marie Lurie说到。
"现在市场上低价位的房源供给量可以前些年多多了," CREB® 房地产局主席David P. Brown提到。"这对于买家来说是好事,有更多的房源选择,尤其是那些担心贷款政策不断调整会影响到购买力的买家们。"
整个月份价格调整最大的是公管公寓产品段,比前一个月份低了0.8%,比2014年高峰月份低了13 %。
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Calgary's Top 10 Neighbourhoods
You answered the survey and we worked with Leger to crunch the numbers. These are the top 10 neighbourhoods in Calgary in 2017 based on those survey results.
Each year since 2010, Avenue has worked with Leger, a research and marketing
company, to run a survey that gets to the heart of the question: What are Calgary’s
best neighbourhoods to live in?
company, to run a survey that gets to the heart of the question: What are Calgary’s
best neighbourhoods to live in?
Rather than simply voting for their favourite neighbourhood, survey respondents consider
various characteristics and tell us which ones are most important when they think about a
good neighbourhood. Are parks and pathways preferable to bars and boutiques, for example? Is it more important to have access to major roads than access to schools? Is proximity to a public
library preferable to proximity to a movie theatre?
various characteristics and tell us which ones are most important when they think about a
good neighbourhood. Are parks and pathways preferable to bars and boutiques, for example? Is it more important to have access to major roads than access to schools? Is proximity to a public
library preferable to proximity to a movie theatre?
Each year we tweak the survey for clarity and to respond to the previous year’s results,
eliminating characteristics that were deemed unimportant to most and trying new questions.
We also update the quantitative data that Leger uses to compare each neighbourhood once
we know how important each characteristic is.
eliminating characteristics that were deemed unimportant to most and trying new questions.
We also update the quantitative data that Leger uses to compare each neighbourhood once
we know how important each characteristic is.
This year, we did a total data overhaul and that caused a few exciting changes in the results.
With the launch of the City of Calgary’s Open Data Portal in late 2016, we had access to more
detailed and more accurate information than ever before. What changed the most this year
was how we counted parks. Previously, we simply counted how many green spaces were in
each neighbourhood. Using the City’s open data, we could include information on the actual
amount of park space — the more hectares a park is, the more points we allocated to it.
This change caused some big movements in the rankings. Varsity moved from 47th overall
in 2016 to first and Edgemont moved from 70th in 2016 to third.
detailed and more accurate information than ever before. What changed the most this year
was how we counted parks. Previously, we simply counted how many green spaces were in
each neighbourhood. Using the City’s open data, we could include information on the actual
amount of park space — the more hectares a park is, the more points we allocated to it.
This change caused some big movements in the rankings. Varsity moved from 47th overall
in 2016 to first and Edgemont moved from 70th in 2016 to third.
In many other ways, the results are similar to what we have found in the past. This year,
Calgarians’ top-five most important neighbourhood characteristics were access to parks and
pathways, low crime, walkability, access to restaurants, cafés and pubs, and high community
engagement. In 2016, parks and pathways, low crime and access to restaurants were also
among the top five.
Calgarians’ top-five most important neighbourhood characteristics were access to parks and
pathways, low crime, walkability, access to restaurants, cafés and pubs, and high community
engagement. In 2016, parks and pathways, low crime and access to restaurants were also
among the top five.
It’s important to note that the best neighbourhoods in Calgary, as determined by this survey,
aren’t necessarily going to be the best for every Calgarian in the city. Different people value
— and need — different things. Fortunately, each neighbourhood offers something that makes
it the best to someone and there is a neighbourhood that offers the best for each of us. —K.O.
aren’t necessarily going to be the best for every Calgarian in the city. Different people value
— and need — different things. Fortunately, each neighbourhood offers something that makes
it the best to someone and there is a neighbourhood that offers the best for each of us. —K.O.
This year’s overall Best Neighbourhood sits in that sweet spot where you get all the best
parts of being both old and new. Seniors aging in place in modest bungalows share calm
streets lined with mature trees with energetic young families in new builds, creating a
nice, welcoming mix.
parts of being both old and new. Seniors aging in place in modest bungalows share calm
streets lined with mature trees with energetic young families in new builds, creating a
nice, welcoming mix.
The neighbourhood also occupies a sweet spot in terms of getting around. Located just west
of the University of Calgary, residents get the benefit of both a reasonable commute to
downtown (either by vehicle or via the C-Train from the Brentwood and Dalhousie stations
on Varsity’s eastern edge) and an easy escape to the Rockies.
of the University of Calgary, residents get the benefit of both a reasonable commute to
downtown (either by vehicle or via the C-Train from the Brentwood and Dalhousie stations
on Varsity’s eastern edge) and an easy escape to the Rockies.
The banks of the Bow River beckon to the south, while Market Mall provides a convenient
hub of shopping amenities within the community, everything from fun and frivolous boutiques
to a full-sized Safeway grocery store.
hub of shopping amenities within the community, everything from fun and frivolous boutiques
to a full-sized Safeway grocery store.
Varsity’s streets and pathways are conducive to walking around, yet the neighbourhood’s
expansiveness means you never feel fenced-in — even the actual fenced-in residential lots
are spacious and comfortable-feeling. Plentiful park space and recreation facilities, including
the scenic Silver Springs Golf and Country Clubon the banks of the Bow, encourage active
living in residents of all ages.
expansiveness means you never feel fenced-in — even the actual fenced-in residential lots
are spacious and comfortable-feeling. Plentiful park space and recreation facilities, including
the scenic Silver Springs Golf and Country Clubon the banks of the Bow, encourage active
living in residents of all ages.
It’s a neighbourhood with a view, a river on one side and the C-Train on the other, wide-open
sunny spaces and mature, shade-giving trees. It perfectly encapsulates what expat Calgarians
dream about when they think about home, and it’s why Varsity deservedly owns the sporting
chant of “we’re number one!” —S.A.
sunny spaces and mature, shade-giving trees. It perfectly encapsulates what expat Calgarians
dream about when they think about home, and it’s why Varsity deservedly owns the sporting
chant of “we’re number one!” —S.A.
While it’s hard to find fault with Varsity, advocates for urban density would identify the relatively low number of people per square kilometre (1,855) as potential grounds for
improvement. The proximity to the university and the neighbourhood’s conduciveness
to a car-free lifestyle would make Varsity a prime candidate for secondary suites; however,
as of January 2017 there were no approved secondary suites registered in the community.
2. Beltline
restaurants, cool cocktail bars, packed pubs, bumpin’ nightclubs, boutiques and bookstores,
coffeehouses, yoga studios, boxing studios and anything else a connected Calgarian would
be tuned into. Tucked into the mix are charming urban parks and green spaces to chill out in,
heritage monuments like the Memorial Park Library and Lougheed House to explore and
admire, a handful of hip hotels and a variety of options for residents to do their grocery
shopping and run drugstore errands. Plus, you can get your bike fixed, get your skis tuned
and get yourself a nice bottle of wine, all within a few buzzing blocks. Sure, living in the heart
of the action isn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea, but for the many Calgarians seeking a
vibrant scene (not to mention an easy walk, bike or skateboard ride to work), the Beltline
brings it. —S.A.
It should come as a surprise to no one that a highly populated area with an active nightlife that
draws crowds from outside the community will have problems with crime. The Beltline’s rate of
439 crimes per capita is this inner-city neighbourhood’s Achilles heel, putting it leagues above
the 65 crimes per capita of top-ranked Varsity.
draws crowds from outside the community will have problems with crime. The Beltline’s rate of
439 crimes per capita is this inner-city neighbourhood’s Achilles heel, putting it leagues above
the 65 crimes per capita of top-ranked Varsity.
3. Edgemont
Nose Hill Park, the expansive prairie-grassland preserve in the city’s northwest, is a huge
asset (literally) to the neighbourhoods nestled around its borders. It’s one of the key reasons
why Edgemont, which tucks up against Nose Hill Park to the west, edged up into the top five
this year.
asset (literally) to the neighbourhoods nestled around its borders. It’s one of the key reasons
why Edgemont, which tucks up against Nose Hill Park to the west, edged up into the top five
this year.
But Edgemont has more going for it than just its proximity to this favoured destination of
cyclists, runners and owners of energetic dogs. The community association’s membership
count of 780 exceeds that of top-ranked neighbourhood Varsity, and Edgemont also scores
high in the area of community-supported projects. These, and other indicators of healthy
community involvement, could be due to the fact that the neighbourhood is comprised primarily
of single-family homes, with the majority of dwellings (86 per cent) occupied by the homeowners.
That pride of ownership, in both home and community, is likely one of the reasons Edgemont
can also claim a reassuringly low crime rate, well below any of its fellow top-five. —S.A.
cyclists, runners and owners of energetic dogs. The community association’s membership
count of 780 exceeds that of top-ranked neighbourhood Varsity, and Edgemont also scores
high in the area of community-supported projects. These, and other indicators of healthy
community involvement, could be due to the fact that the neighbourhood is comprised primarily
of single-family homes, with the majority of dwellings (86 per cent) occupied by the homeowners.
That pride of ownership, in both home and community, is likely one of the reasons Edgemont
can also claim a reassuringly low crime rate, well below any of its fellow top-five. —S.A.
Easy access to arteries such as John Laurie Boulevard and Shaganappi Trail is a boon for
car commuters, but outside of that, the picture gets bleak. With strikingly low scores in both
walkability and transit access, just over two per cent of Edgemont residents walk or bike to
car commuters, but outside of that, the picture gets bleak. With strikingly low scores in both
walkability and transit access, just over two per cent of Edgemont residents walk or bike to
4. Brentwood
Brentwood is a perennial strong finisher in the Best Neighbourhoods survey, which makes
sense since it has many similar attributes to this year’s number-one, Varsity. Brentwood sits
just across Crowchild Trail to the north of Varsity, positioning it to be walkable to the University
of Calgary and just a zip of a commute downtown, either by car or C-Train from Brentwood
station. Residents include a mix of old-timers and young families and everyone in between,
with a vibrant university-student population, as well.
sense since it has many similar attributes to this year’s number-one, Varsity. Brentwood sits
just across Crowchild Trail to the north of Varsity, positioning it to be walkable to the University
of Calgary and just a zip of a commute downtown, either by car or C-Train from Brentwood
station. Residents include a mix of old-timers and young families and everyone in between,
with a vibrant university-student population, as well.
A wealth of shopping amenities includes four grocery stores. There are also several community-
fostering organizations within the neighbourhood, including a Calgary Public Library branch,
a community garden and the well-used Brentwood Sportsplex, which is a hub for everything
from figure-skating and hockey programs to Scrabble and bridge groups. All contribute to the
sense that this is a neighbourhood that’s friendly, fun and comfortable in its skin. —S.A.
fostering organizations within the neighbourhood, including a Calgary Public Library branch,
a community garden and the well-used Brentwood Sportsplex, which is a hub for everything
from figure-skating and hockey programs to Scrabble and bridge groups. All contribute to the
sense that this is a neighbourhood that’s friendly, fun and comfortable in its skin. —S.A.
From the outside, Brentwood seems like the ideal community for aging in place; however, the
lack of any nursing-home facilities means that long-time residents who might require this kind
of care in their twilight years are forced to uproot.
lack of any nursing-home facilities means that long-time residents who might require this kind
of care in their twilight years are forced to uproot.
5. Signal Hill
The west-end neighbourhood of Signal Hill is easily identified by the striking geoglyphs on the
hillside at Battalion Park. The large-scale installation of whitewashed stones placed to create
groupings of numbers serves as a memorial to the Albertan soldiers who fought in the First
World War in battalions 137, 113, 151 and 51. This unique fusion of heritage and public art sets
Signal Hill apart — as does the exceptional shopping at the base of the hill. Westhills Shopping ]
Centre is practically a neighbourhood in its own right, with everything from a Real Canadian Superstore
(with liquor store and gas bar) to a Cineplex Odeon multiplex. Among the vast array of retail
options is arguably the city’s best Winners store, which contains a trove of high-end designer
items at double-take prices.
hillside at Battalion Park. The large-scale installation of whitewashed stones placed to create
groupings of numbers serves as a memorial to the Albertan soldiers who fought in the First
World War in battalions 137, 113, 151 and 51. This unique fusion of heritage and public art sets
Signal Hill apart — as does the exceptional shopping at the base of the hill. Westhills Shopping ]
Centre is practically a neighbourhood in its own right, with everything from a Real Canadian Superstore
(with liquor store and gas bar) to a Cineplex Odeon multiplex. Among the vast array of retail
options is arguably the city’s best Winners store, which contains a trove of high-end designer
items at double-take prices.
Bordered to the south by Highway 8, Signal Hill is also well positioned for getting out to the
mountains, whether for biking in Bragg Creek in the summer or skiing at Nakiska in the winter.
For these reasons, and more, it can proudly claim its spot in the top five. —S.A.
mountains, whether for biking in Bragg Creek in the summer or skiing at Nakiska in the winter.
For these reasons, and more, it can proudly claim its spot in the top five. —S.A.
While Signal Hill has an admirable number of registered community members, the
neighbourhood lacks a community centre, which hinders its community engagement.
neighbourhood lacks a community centre, which hinders its community engagement.
Nestled between Nose Hill Park and Deerfoot Trail, Huntington Hills scored among the top
Calgary neighbourhoods for playgrounds, access to libraries and parks and pathways. It also
ranked among the top 15 for recreation facilities, schools and grocery stores. Between its
community centre and sportsplex — which offers a number of recreational programs such as
curling, soccer and ringette — and its skateboard park, there’s always something happening
in the Hills. —A.G.
Calgary neighbourhoods for playgrounds, access to libraries and parks and pathways. It also
ranked among the top 15 for recreation facilities, schools and grocery stores. Between its
community centre and sportsplex — which offers a number of recreational programs such as
curling, soccer and ringette — and its skateboard park, there’s always something happening
in the Hills. —A.G.
As the home to great restaurants such as Shiki Menya, Tazza and Blue Star Diner,
Bridgeland/Riverside has people talking (often with their mouths full). A wealth of amenities —
including grocery and drug stores — as well as proximity to downtown make this inner-city
community very walkable, and more than 20 per cent of commuters here opt to bike or walk
to work. –A.G.
Bridgeland/Riverside has people talking (often with their mouths full). A wealth of amenities —
including grocery and drug stores — as well as proximity to downtown make this inner-city
community very walkable, and more than 20 per cent of commuters here opt to bike or walk
to work. –A.G.
8. Arbour Lake
At the crossroads of Stoney Trail and Crowchild Trail, this northwest community is well
situated for getting around the city and getting out to the mountains. But it’s what’s inside this
neighbourhood that really counts, particularly the residents’ association members-only beach
around the community’s eponymous lake. Not surprisingly, Arbour Lake also benefits from a
high community-engagement score. —A.G.
situated for getting around the city and getting out to the mountains. But it’s what’s inside this
neighbourhood that really counts, particularly the residents’ association members-only beach
around the community’s eponymous lake. Not surprisingly, Arbour Lake also benefits from a
high community-engagement score. —A.G.
High walkability and easy access to public transit make living in the Downtown Commercial
Core carefree for the car-free set. This urban area also brings an abundance of shops and
restaurants to the table, as well as the theatrical and musical happenings at Arts Commons
and the summer fountain-turned-winter skating rink at Olympic Plaza. —A.G.
Core carefree for the car-free set. This urban area also brings an abundance of shops and
restaurants to the table, as well as the theatrical and musical happenings at Arts Commons
and the summer fountain-turned-winter skating rink at Olympic Plaza. —A.G.
10. Crescent Heights
Straddling Centre Street, just north of the Bow River, Crescent Heights benefits from being
close to downtown, with the walkability and transit access that affords. A variety of amenities
and good community engagement also helped this ’hood rise in the rankings. It’s also home
to McHugh Bluff Park, which offers one of the most picturesque views of the city’s skyline.
close to downtown, with the walkability and transit access that affords. A variety of amenities
and good community engagement also helped this ’hood rise in the rankings. It’s also home
to McHugh Bluff Park, which offers one of the most picturesque views of the city’s skyline.
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