Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Calgary region sees total housing starts decline in August

But single-detached market increases
                                                                                                                                                                     By Mario Toneguzzi, Calgary Herald September 10, 2013

CALGARY — Total housing starts in the Calgary region were down in August, according to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp.

The agency reported Tuesday that starts of 982 in the Calgary census metropolitan area were off from 1,039 in August 2012.
The single-detached market saw starts rise from 505 last year to 571 this year but the multi-family market experienced a decline from 534 in 2012 to 411 in 2013.

“The trend in single-detached construction remains steady as new home demand benefits from job creation, equity gains in the resale market and rising incomes,” said Richard Cho, senior market analyst in Calgary for the CMHC. “Many prospective buyers have taken advantage of the options in the new home market, especially with mortgage rates relatively low and a decline of active listings in the competing resale market.

“Multi-family starts had declined on a year-over-year basis in August, with fewer semi-detached, row, and apartment units breaking ground. Despite the decline from the previous year, August multi-family starts are not far off from historical averages.”

Year-to-date, total starts are down to 7,929 from 8,993 for the same period last year.
The single-detached market has seen year-to-date starts increase from 3,941 in 2012 to 4,228 this year while the multi-family market has seen a decline to 3,701 this year from 5,052 a year ago.
Cho said multi-family starts are expected to total 5,200 units for the year, down 24 per cent from 2012. Single-detached units, on the other hand, are forecast to increase four per cent in 2013, reaching 6,200 units

“The flooding in June is not expected to have a big impact on the total housing starts number this year,” said Cho. “There have been a number of other factors supporting new home construction and a majority of the housing starts in Calgary takes place in the suburbs, which were less affected by the flooding.”

Across Canada, the seasonally-adjusted rate fell to 180,291 units from 193,021 in July.
Benjamin Reitzes, senior economist with BMO Capital Markets, said Canada’s housing market remains in good shape despite the larger-than-expected decline in August housing starts.

“Indeed, through the first eight months of 2013 starts are averaging 183,200, essentially right on demographic demand. Building permits have also remained healthy in recent months, hinting at some near-term upside for starts. While higher mortgage rates are going to restrain housing sector activity in the second half of the year, the soft landing story remains intact,” he said.

“Alberta accounted for the bulk of the drop in the Prairies, as perhaps the flood cleanup is diverting resources away from new home construction.”

David Onyett-Jeffries, economist with RBC Economics Research, said new home construction in Canada has been fairly stable in 2013 despite monthly gyrations.

“As we move toward 2014, our expectation is that a modest deterioration in housing affordability will weigh on demand and lead to a moderation in starts. We expect housing starts will drift lower over the next year and finish 2014 at levels that are more consistent with household formation in Canada,” he said.

Francis Fong, economist with TD Economics, said the pullback in August is mostly consistent with the bank’s view that the extended period of overbuilding in the Canadian housing market is likely on its last legs.

Fong said a number of factors will keep a lid on construction going forward: the trend pace of homebuilding remains slightly above the rate of household formation and a rising interest rate environment will weigh on the price support needed for builders to continue putting shovels into the ground.

“Ultimately, our view is that housing starts will likely remain close to their current levels for the remainder of the year, but fall to 175,000 units by the end of next year,” said Fong.

Friday, September 6, 2013

成功案例--- 第三次递offer后,成功拿下131万



回头说起啊,什么房子呢? 是西北区靠近市中心的inner city 独栋近3000平房尺的两年新房子。第一次出offer时这套房子要价还是1,389,000, 因为客户每回加价后都说这是最高的了,所以卖方代理就跟我说:“你的客户说了两次了,还有新价格,目前这个价格我们成交不了”。 最后我客户的价格是1,335,000,卖家要么接受,要么一拍两散。 

卖家代理呢,我们成交过一套房子,打过交道。实话说,因为前次打交道时,搞不明白我的虚虚实实,所以第二次和我打交道的老外经纪在谈判前就有些心悸,绝对不是对付小菜一碟的那种心态。这种事,是第二回经历了,前次和成交过的西南区Signature  Park一套房子的卖方代理再次打交道时,他就暗示了。总之,因为对方知道我的“厉害”J ,所以回价时比较谨慎了,轻易不敢说漏嘴任何信息。而且,卖家的价格降得太慢太少,双方差距几万呢。总之,我最后告诉卖方代理,如果卖方不能接受1,335,000的话,我的客户就会和房主联系续租三个月,大家一拍两散! 这招好用,代理还真是整明白了现状,但是同意价格的来电晚了一天。我客户的老婆不肯签了,因为看了城市的assessment 120几万,她不肯1.335M买了。 

之后,我们就接着再看看房子,但是没有适合的。所以,大约一个半月后第二次出了offer。不过卖方降价了,目前要价1.349M。这次呢,客户不肯1.335M 买了,因为三个月房租就近13000。而且他们知道卖家能够接受1,335,000,所以,他们希望1.3M内拿下。我们也不肯能从1.2M起谈吧,卖家都知道我们能够接受1.335M了,所以索性1.28Moffer,卖家take it or leave it!  但是,不好用,卖家代理仍然回复给我们1.345Mcounter offer。到offer截至前,双方谁都没有主动联系谁!爱谁谁得,我只好告诉客户,我们不适合主动联系。这种情况下,谁主动联系谁在谈判中就处于被动地位。(从前两次的交锋中,我知道从业34年的卖家代理,确实轻易不会泄露任何信息的。是个难缠的对手!) 

再之后,客户扩大房源范围,还是没有适合的。所以,想在租约再次到期前把房子的事定下来。接到客户想再次出offer的电话时,我都傻眼了。根本没有平时客户要付offer时的那种兴奋,因为知道将是一场非常艰难的谈判! 这时候,谈判策略就相当重要了!!!电话中和客户研究好的策略是,以经纪人自私的角度出发,向卖家代理透露私心,实在累了总是带客户看房子,看看我们双方经纪人是否能够合作起来,配合把交易完成。要不,我这买家代理得忙活到什么时候啊?!为什么要这样切入呢?因为,你想啊,前两次是我客户真心想买,出了offer,两次都没有谈成啊!再出第三次,那卖方、卖方代理心态那个好啊,肯给我们低价成交嘛??? 而且,只有价格低,我的客户才肯签字啊!!!所以,谈判切入点是这次谈判是否成功的要素!


但是,仍然不那么顺利。按照卖家代理的提议,我们1,305,000offer,这样不会侮辱卖家,一下子又给他们气得不判了。实话说,买家客户真是配合啊,对我相当信任!要是他坚持1.291.3的起价,我也没有办法。但是,因为我知道买家这样做有多不容易,而且买家透露给我:房子要拿下,只是价格越低越好,你去谈吧! 那哪是我去谈吧,是客户出钱啊!所以我轻易不肯加价啊,第一次对方回价1.345;我只加了1000,到1.306M;因为我的加价太少,第二次对方回价到了1.335,也就是我们前次同意的价格;我再次加价20001.308M,不过买家给我的指示是1.315M内拿下就行。接着卖家继续回价1,329,900,我当时就有种不知能够谈到啥时的感觉,心真累啊! 而且,尽管卖家代理想促成交易、和我配合,但他仍然在试探我客户的底线,因为他们的回价明显离我们想成交的价格太远!进展太慢!所以,我不想再加价了,我就讲明了,客户已经从上次的1.28升到1.308了,他们不加了,卖家爱咋地咋地!!! 这招好用,最后对方回复1.31M!!!给买家省了5000J 

这是我目前最难谈的案例,同一套房子出了三次offer才谈成。因为买家“出尔反尔”,卖家都知道我们的底线了,我们还要“厚着脸皮”再往低了谈J 。我始终都是不怕任何困难的人,深信谈判是有技巧的JJJ

SOLD 西北区 West Hillhurst 百万、老地新宅 $1,349,000

                                              2719 ?AVE NW      C3581278

Picture perfect inner city home. Like new (2 yrs) 2 storey on 37' lot on prime street. South rear yd. Surrounded by lge, upscale homes. Fully dev, great plan. Attractive ext w/covered verandah & boasting exceptional rear landscaped courtyard life space w/dual stream waterfall & decking/patio area. In mint cond. Open great rm plan w/views to courtyard. Hrdwd flrs. Superb kitch w/ample cabinets, centre island, granite, huge butler pantry, high scale SS applics. Lrg nook-overlooks spac great rm w/feature FP. Main flr den. 3 spac bdrms up w/unique ceilings. Lrg master suite & gigantic ensuite w/dual sinks, huge steam shower & soaker tub. Upper flr laundry. Great lower dev: wet bar, theatre rm, fam rm, exercise rm, bdrm & bath. Many extras: ICF bsmt const, 9ft flat painted ceilings. Oversized dbl heated garage. Excl loc steps to river path & dog walking park. Picture perfect inner city house. A gem! Note: location/house not affected by recent flooding.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013





Calgary九月三日,2013 – 市政界内民宅本月共成交2,196套,比2012年同期涨27.5%。同期比涨幅为8.7%






独立屋本月共成交 1,517套,比去年同期涨30%。尽管过去几个月来销售持续增长,但是从年初至今涨幅仅为5.4%, 比预期稍强一点。






同时,排屋市场却和独立屋市场一样,不仅仅是成交量的强劲提升,而且新挂牌量 也增加,帮助缓解了吃紧的市场。从年初至今,成交量和新挂牌量分别增长21.4 % 2.6 %




最近,贷款利率的提升再次使买家调整了对房屋的预期,我们卡尔加里还是国内各大城市中房价还较有承受力的城市呢?! 可承受的房屋市场条件,加上乐观的经济预期,将会支撑房地产市场在剩下的几个月继续上调


本月独立屋市场基准价升至 $464,700,比去年同期涨7.4%。同时比20078月份增长0.7%!!! 同时共管公寓apartment、以及排屋市场基准价分别为$270,600 $298,500。比去年同期涨7%



整个城市范围内独立屋市场基准价的涨幅再次保持$13,400。而共管公寓、排屋的市场基准价涨幅分别为$26,400 $32,300,仍然低于2007年峰值水平。

Calgary housing market booming in August

By Mario Toneguzzi, Calgary Herald September 3, 2013

CALGARY — Calgary’s red-hot housing market was sizzling in August as records were set for the most luxury home sales ever for the month, the highest median and average sale prices for the month and the second highest ever total MLS sales during the month.

The booming market was punctuated by another first near the end of the month. Last Friday, 12 luxury homes ($1 million plus) sold in Calgary — the most ever for a single day.

Preliminary figures by the Calgary Real Estate Board show total MLS sales for August of 2,196 in the city were up 27.53 per cent from last year; the average price rose by 8.80 per cent to $453,752; the median price increased by 6.40 per cent to $399,000; new listings were up by 7.39 per cent to 2,774; active listings were down by 24.80 per cent to 3,896; and days on market to sell fell by 17.78 per cent to 37.

The median and average sale prices were the highest ever for the month.
The record for most sales in the month was set in 2005 at 2,326.
August had 64 sales in the $1-million plus price point, doubling last year’s total and a 68 per cent increase from the previous August record set in 2007.

At the end of August, year-to-date, there have been 524 luxury home sales compared with 370 for the same period last year. In 2012, the annual record for luxury home sales was set at 544 transactions.

The real estate market rapidly changes from week to week. It is currently quite a strong sellers’ market. We are seeing properties go on the market then within a day will be sold with competing offers and at times.  I have seen properties that have gone competing offers and sold for $100,000 over list price. Good properties that are listed at market value are sold quickly.

We are finding that the market is currently buoyant due to the small ratio of listings. We still have quite a few people relocating to Calgary due to a strong job market and strong economy. Prices continue to rise as there is currently high demand and low supply of housing inventory. So when those good properties come on the market they are being snapped up fast.

Richard Cho, senior market analyst in Calgary with Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp., said many existing homeowners have taken advantage of the rise in home values by selling their house and using the equity gains towards a luxury home.

“In addition, rising incomes and relatively low mortgage rates have also helped buyers purchase higher-priced homes,” he said.