Tuesday, December 20, 2016

New Homes and Red Tape in Alberta: Residential Land-Use Regulation in the Calgary-Edmonton Corridor

As an increasing number of people move to major Canadian cities, housing prices have continued to rise in its most desirable markets. Understanding how public policy affects the supply of new homes is critical. The Fraser Institute’s survey of housing developers and homebuilders provides new insight into this issue. New Homes and Red Tape in Alberta: Residential Land-Use Regulation in the Calgary-Edmonton Corridor is part of a series of publications tallying the data to represent industry professionals’ experiences and opinions of how residential development is regulated in cities across Canada. This report presents survey results for cities in Alberta’s Calgary-Edmonton Corridor (CEC).
We found disparate estimates of typical project-approval timelines in CEC cities: estimates range from 5.7 months in the Municipal District of Foothills No. 31, and 6.1 months in Strathmore to 15.1 months in Rocky View County and 18.1 months in Strathcona County.
Typical approval timelines in Calgary and Edmonton, the CEC’s two largest cities, are comparable, at 13.5 months and 12.9 months, respectively, although Calgary’s are among the region’s most uncertain. Calgary’s average reported impact of timeline uncertainty is rivaled only by Rocky View and Strathcona Counties. In Edmonton, our survey suggests the impact of timeline uncertainty is in the middle of the pack, while results for Foothills No. 31 and Strathmore on this measure are particularly encouraging.
Reported compliance costs and fees add up to a low of $12,250 per home built in Foothills No. 31 and a high of $51,000 per home in Strathcona County. Calgary and Edmonton rank closer to the regional average: reported compliance costs for Calgary are $27,625 per new home; for Edmonton, $32,273.
The survey reports that properties need to be rezoned to accommodate more than 50% of new residential development in all but two municipalities (High River and Foothills No. 31). Estimates of rezoning’s effect on approval timelines range from under two months in Red Deer to 14.7 months in Rocky View County.
Opposition from the Council and community to residential development is perceived as strongest in cities where dwelling values are highest, raising questions about the causes and consequences of local resistance to new housing. The strongest opposition is reported in Rocky View County. Opposition from Council and community is typically not perceived as a deterrent to building in Strathmore, Cochrane, and Okotoks.
The publication provides a summary index of residential land-use regulation that is calculated by tallying across five key components of regulation’s impact—Approval Timelines, Cost and Fees, Council and Community, Timeline Uncertainty, and Rezoning Prevalence—in the twelve cities that generated a sufficient number of survey responses. This index ranks Strathmore as the least regulated and Strathcona County as the most. Calgary comes in below average in all categories and is the third most-regulated city ranked overall, while Edmonton ranks closer to the regional average.



Monday, December 5, 2016

SOLD 西南区 Strathcona Park 两层楼 $629,000.00

Nov. 14, 2016 成功卖掉 109 Straddock CR SW



SOLD 西南区/市中心西边 West Spring 独栋两层楼 $535,000

Oct. 12, 2016 SOLD 28 Wentworth Close SW $535,000.00 


我帮助这对买家夫妻成功卖掉Evergreen 的房子,还记得给房子stage以后,他们儿子来了,竟然说:“妈妈,咱们家怎么变样了?” 这次是先帮助他们的亲戚在这段低谷期间购买了一套带walkout地下室的房子,现在又是帮助他们添置了一套投资的房子。谈判期间我还是很不舒服的,因为我的买家最初出价太低,我们一路接接抬价。尽管,这对夫妻对于要价在这个社区目前是最低的53.5万,他们可以53万以上或者要价接盘,最后成交价格已经为他们省掉$5000-$10,000,但是我内心还是没有以往的成就感。以往在谈判中,绝大多时候我总占优势的...... 

SOLD 西北区 University Heights 大学对面 $949,000

Sep. 27, 2016 --- 2307 Usher Road NW


有一天我接到卖方太太打来的电话,因为我带客户看了他们家的房子,而他们又正在物色新的卖房经纪。她就在网上到处查看我的social media,最后才联系的我。我到房子一看,就明白为什么房子在过去的3个月没有卖出去了。好好的一套升级很多的大房子,空荡荡的,没有生机、更没有之前的感觉。而卖方、卖方代理竟然3个月了没有做过任何调整、沟通。好在代 理还做过1-2次open house,但是3个月的时间,好像很不够啊??


BEFORE - 这是原来的一楼的大厅

AFTER - 这是布置之后的厅里一角



就十月份一个销售火爆,这次十一月份又回到以前的不景气局面。 共售出1227 套,比去年同期低了3%,比长线均值低了17%
"十一月份是 CMHC实施新贷款政策以来的第一个月份,就像我们猜想的那样,上个月的火爆果然是个临时的假象。缩紧的贷款政策加上目前的经济气候,影响着市场需求。"
十一月份供给没怎么涨,但是销售量降了,导致可售房源在市场上的月份微调高了一点。十一月份整个城市市场基准价为$436,200,比十月份微降0.6%,比去年同期降了4.1 %(怎么没觉得那么多呢,都是被高端房屋给拉下去的吧?!) 

"再次重申,不管消费者如何询问问题,了解不同的市场动态都不过分,因为只有这样,我们才能在不同的市场条件下做出正确的决定。 "